
Pure Words from a Pure Heart

Articles to strengthen your faith and personal vignettes to inspire your journey.

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Vignettes Mica Olinghouse Vignettes Mica Olinghouse

On Grief and Loss: My First Experience Cleaning Out a Loved One's Home

For those of you who have never cleaned out a loved one's home after their passing, let me tell you--it's both physically laborious and emotionally gut-wrenching. It's a sacred and intimate experience that not only honors the deceased and supports the closest family relatives in a practical and meaningful way, but it also helps to process the personal work of grief.

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Marriage, Vignettes Mica Olinghouse Marriage, Vignettes Mica Olinghouse

Come & Listen

During all the hustle and bustle of the morning’s preparations for the day, I asked Jeff to sit with me for a minute to listen to one of our favorite songs from our wedding season. In that moment, we both were forced to stop and reflect…and listen to the rhythm of grace flowing in our lives. Now, I invite you as a guest of honor to come and listen to what the Lord has done for me and for us.

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Marriage, Vignettes Mica Olinghouse Marriage, Vignettes Mica Olinghouse

Our Urban Garden: The Birth of a New Adventure

Newly married and enchanted by love blossoming all around us, we ventured out into the fragrant and delightful world of gardening. What first began as a little project to enjoy together during our first spring as husband and wife has turned into an annual adventure full of profound spiritual lessons and sweet simple pleasures.

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