
Pure Words from a Pure Heart

Articles to strengthen your faith and personal vignettes to inspire your journey.

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Teaching & Ministry Mica Olinghouse Teaching & Ministry Mica Olinghouse

The Fire of God

When it comes to the fire, we can do one of two things: We can either RECEIVE it or REJECT it. However we respond to it determines how difficult this will be for us. By willingly receiving God's fire and cooperating with His sanctifying grace, we yield ourselves to God's process and stay submitted to Him. On the other hand, if we choose to reject the purifying work of God's fire, we are actually fighting against the Spirit of God and resisting Him! That's not a good place to be in, because the Bible tells us that God resists the proud -- or those that resist Him. The way will be very difficult and destructive for those who choose not to surrender to God's purifying process.

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Teaching & Ministry Mica Olinghouse Teaching & Ministry Mica Olinghouse

Kingdom Conversations

If you were to take a walk around your town, sit in your local coffee shop, eat out at your favorite restaurant, and even meet up with church friends, chances are the conversations will touch and linger on the many pressing current events. But the Bible instructs believers to keep their conversation focused on something else entirely—God’s Heavenly Kingdom.

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Teaching & Ministry, Singles & Young Adults Mica Olinghouse Teaching & Ministry, Singles & Young Adults Mica Olinghouse

Hearing Wisdom’s Voice Above It All

The Bible has a lot to say about wisdom, but only those who know what wisdom looks like and sounds like will ever be able to find her or know what to do once they’ve encountered her. If we want to successfully locate wisdom and engage her, then we need to know her. We need to understand how she functions, what she looks like, what she says, and how to respond to her. Only then will we be able to hear her voice above the crowds.

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