Come & Listen

Come and Listen

“Incline your ear to listen and come to Me; Hear, so that your soul may live; And I will make an everlasting covenant with you…” ~Isaiah 55:1 (AMPC)


I wanted to share a little piece of my love story to encourage you in your own marriage journey. When God does something magnificent in our lives, it is worth disclosing! So I invite you to come and listen to what the Lord has done for me. This article was originally published in The Zoe Life Blog in 2014 and later reprinted in Excellence for Every Day in 2016.

Enjoy! -Mica

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During my devotions this morning, I was reminded of a song from our wedding day called Come and Listen by David Crowder Band. This band has long been one of my favorites, and when I was choosing a playlist for my wedding, I was immediately drawn to the lyrics of this particular song from their A Collision album. Stripped down to simple piano and vocals, this beautiful acoustic melody reminds me to stop and recall all the wonderful things the Lord has done for me. Not only did this ballad set a tone of thankfulness during our wedding ceremony, but it also captures the beautiful love story between me and my husband and the overall arching theme of my walk with the Lord.

Of course, I couldn’t think about this song without playing it, so while Jeff was scrambling around the apartment this morning shooting off emails to New York and getting ready for school, I flipped on my stereo, loaded my iPod, and located the song. Needless to say, this sweet melody has filled my home for the last two hours.

SHOP THIS! Mr. & Mrs. Coffee Mug Gift Set (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! Mr. & Mrs. Coffee Mug Gift Set (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

Opening with a single male vocalist softly singing, “Come and listen to what He’s done,” this song evokes an invitation to step away from the chaos and listen to a story of God’s redemptive goodness. The lyrics go on to appeal to those who are hungry and thirsty, offering them a glimpse of refuge and peace in the arms of the Lord.

The lyrics perfectly fit the atmosphere I wanted to create for my wedding ceremony. It had been a busy time for all of us with all the final fittings, vendor confirmations, and last-minute preparations. But on that beautiful day, it was time to step away from all the activity and soak in the moment I had been dreaming of my entire life. It was indeed an invitation to all of us—bride, groom, wedding party, friends, and loved ones—to come and listen to the love story behind the wedding. 

In my sweet way, I wanted all those who had assembled on that warm summer day to know that behind the sparkles and flowers, there was a rich, overflowing love story God had written just for us. It was a moment to pause and reflect on this truth…and give thanks for a dream come true.

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I can hardly listen to this song without tears as I remember my dear husband standing at the steps of the altar, sheer love reflected in his eyes. As I came walking down the aisle with my dad holding my right arm, I looked up at the man who was to forever pledge his life to me. To my surprise, his eyes were filled with tears as he saw me coming towards him. I’m sure many thoughts were plaguing his mind at that moment—hope of a new future, thankfulness for a dream fulfilled, and even a little fear of his new responsibility as a husband. Of all the feelings spinning around in his heart, the one emotion his face most visibly declared was this beautiful, deep love for his new bride.

When I paused at the front row for the giving away, I noticed the tears swirling in Jeff’s eyes began to flood down his cheeks. He was nearly choking back sobs from all the emotion. The moment I saw his face radiant with love, I blinked back my own tears. From my heart, I mouthed to him three little words: I love you. He smiled wobbly and the tears poured even faster down his face. Gazing at me with such devotion, he whispered, I love you too. He then took my hand and gently walked me up the steps to the platform. Those thirty seconds of intimate tenderness are forever engraved upon my heart and will remain one of the most cherished moments of my life.

Of all the feelings spinning around in his heart, the one emotion his face most visibly declared was this beautiful, deep love for his new bride.

We’ve been married almost two years now, and as I look back upon the day we sealed our covenant before the Lord and our loved ones, I am reminded of the sweetness of our relationship. I realize in the day that when many marriages are falling apart, we are blessed to have such a strong marriage. 

Yes, there are days when we make mistakes and have to forgive. There are times when we have to clarify our messages to make our communication clear. And yes, there are moments when we’ve realized other things have usurped our time and we have to adjust and re-prioritize. In the end, we do everything necessary to make sure we are giving our marriage first place in our lives next to our relationship with the Lord. All these little details have created a loving home and are continuing to build a life-long covenant marriage.


During all the hustle and bustle of the morning’s preparations for the day, I asked Jeff to sit with me for a minute to listen to our song. In that moment, we both were forced to stop and reflect…and listen to the rhythm of grace flowing in our lives. Because of our commitment to Jesus and our commitment to each other, we’ve witnessed incredible doors of favor and blessing open to us in these short 18 months of marriage…and the opportunities continue to flood our lives in endless waves of wonder.

It’s been an extremely busy past few weeks of deadlines, launch parties, client meetings, and appointments. But in the midst of all the speed, I’m taking a moment to stop and give thanks for God’s faithfulness deposited into my life. It’s time to come and listen…and listen to all that He’s done.


As I move on from this moment of gratitude, I’d like to leave you with these lyrics. May they cause you to step away from the chaos for a minute to give thanks…and may they invite you to come and listen to the eternal story of a Savior who is waiting for you. Come and listen, my friends. Come and listen.

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Lyrics by David Crowder

Come and listen, come to the water’s edge, all you who know and fear the Lord. Come and listen, come to the water’s edge all you who are thirsty, come.

Let me tell you what He has done for me. Let me tell you what He has done for me, He has done for you, He has done for us.

Come and listen, come and listen to what He’s done.

Come and listen, come and listen to what He’s done.

Praise our God for He is good. Praise our God for He is good. Praise our God for He is good. Praise our God for He is good.

He has done for me, He has done for you, He has done for us.

Come and listen, come and listen to what He’s done.

Come and listen, come and listen to what He’s done.

Listen to the song on Youtube Here

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SHOP THIS! Mr. & Mrs. Coffee Mug and Journal Gift Set (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! Mr. & Mrs. Coffee Mug and Journal Gift Set (Photo Credit: DaySpring)


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