The Fire of God

The Fire of God

“John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” ~Luke 3:16

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During the past few weeks in our prayer times, the Lord has really had us praying about the fire of God. We even hit a similar vein of prayer in our Kingdom Advancers Group Tuesday night. In fact, I heard myself pray out the other day, "The Body of Christ has entered the season of the fire of God."

When we speak of the fire of God, most believers are familiar with the empowering affects of fire. But a further study of God's Word reveals the fire has a dual purpose. Yes, it EMPOWERS. But it also PURIFIES. And it is the purifying part of the fire that most Christians don't like.

The Body of Christ has entered the season of the fire of God.

However, if we are going to be the remnant God so desires -- remember the Bible says He is coming back for a PURE AND SPOTLESS BRIDE -- we must surrender ourselves to the dual working of His fire. That means we must be surrendered not only to the empowering work of the Holy Spirit but to His purifying work as well. God will have it no other way.

Did you know that even John the Baptist when talking about Jesus said He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost AND WITH FIRE? Church, we need the FIRE of God in this hour! It isn't a choice or an option, but it is a command and a requirement!

SHOP THIS! The Cross Before Me Tumbler (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! The Cross Before Me Tumbler (Photo Credit: DaySpring)


When it comes to the fire, we can do one of two things: We can either RECEIVE it or REJECT it. However we respond to it determines how difficult this will be for us. By willingly receiving God's fire and cooperating with His sanctifying grace, we yield ourselves to God's process and stay submitted to Him. On the other hand, if we choose to reject the purifying work of God's fire, we are actually fighting against the Spirit of God and resisting Him! That's not a good place to be in, because the Bible tells us that God resists the proud -- or those that resist Him. The way will be very difficult and destructive for those who choose not to surrender to God's purifying process.

There's something else about the fire that's important -- 1 Corinthians 3 teaches us that the day of fire will reveal the quality of our work in the Kingdom of God. This is especially important for ministries as the season of God's fire will reveal if we've been building God's Kingdom or a kingdom of our own making. The Bible is clear in Psalm 127 that if the Lord doesn't build the house, we labor in vain that build it. In other words, ministers can spend a lifetime laboring to build a work in God's Kingdom but have entirely wrong motives the whole time! If it's not done by the Spirit of God, within the confines of the grace of God, and through obedience to God's Word and His precise plan, then the whole thing can come crashing down in smoke. In such cases, an entire lifetime of work can be summed up in cinders because it was all done in vain and vanity. The fire will reveal the quality of the work, whether it is gold, silver, precious stones--items that are refined in the fire--or wood, hay, stubble--items that are burned up in the fire.

It is truly a sobering time in the Body of Christ.

SHOP THIS! Scripture Journal with Comfort Promises (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! Scripture Journal with Comfort Promises (Photo Credit: DaySpring)


In addition to the fire, we've also found ourselves praying out about a time of pressing in the Church. More specifically, we have recently found ourselves praying out, "A time of pressing in the winepress." It's a heavy, serious time! In fact, I have been praying out that word, "heavy, heavy," all week long. I didn't quite understand what the Lord was saying until during a time of prayer last night when I saw in my spirit a picture of a giant sandaled foot smashing down grapes in the winepress. Immediately, I knew it was the foot of the Master, and He was purging, cleaning, and pressing His body. Moreover, He is especially dealing with leadership in the Body! I heard myself pray out, "It is a sobering time because the Authority is dealing with authority." In other words, Jesus the Head of the Church is dealing with rebellious, insubordinate authority in the Body of Christ! My Lord, Jesus.

I know this season of prayer is putting the fear of God in me like never before, and I pray it is stirring you up in the same way! I don't want to ever have a hard and callous heart towards the Lord, and I certainly don't want Him to call me out one day and say, "You have been insubordinate to My Authority!" Sadly for many in the Body of Christ, this is exactly what Jesus is saying.

The Bible tells us we must be submitted to God in order for our authority to work properly.

Moreover, proper submission to God's authority is THE ONLY WAY the believer's authority works! So many today are wanting to walk in God's authority without surrendering to His authority. Biblical authority doesn't work that way. The Bible tells us that we must be submitted to God first before we can walk in His authority over the works of darkness.

Similar to how most Christians approach the fire, many want the power, but not the purity. But the power doesn't work without purity. Neither does authority work without submission. We must be fully surrendered and purified--and willing to go through God's processes--before we are given clearance to the harvest.

SHOP THIS! Redeemed Stainless Steel Water Bottle (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! Redeemed Stainless Steel Water Bottle (Photo Credit: DaySpring)


In fact, did you ever notice that Pentecost comes before the fall feasts, which are symbolic of the Harvest? Passover comes before Easter, Easter before Pentecost, Pentecost before the Fall Harvest. The Lord has taken great pains in the last 15 months to reveal His divine order and process to His Body for the end result of Glorious Church. Repentance comes before the Cross, the Cross comes before Salvation, Salvation is the door to the Resurrection and New Life, the Power of the Holy Ghost comes upon the Born again believer, and with that power comes the sanctifying purity of the Holy One. Then, once the believer has gone through God's process, he is ready to be an equipped laborer in the fields of Harvest.

It is a time for us all to willingly surrender to the pressing of the Master. No matter how uncomfortable it is, let's cooperate with that Spirit of Grace and YIELD to His authority! I want to receive His fire and be fully surrendered to His authority so that I may be a clean and pure vessel worthy of honor in the house of God. I pray that is your heart's desire too. There is much work to be done for the Kingdom, but it is Jesus -- the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords -- that we are to serve. Lord, make our hearts ready for Your Kingdom that is coming!

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SHOP THIS! Rise & Pray Coffee Mug (Photo Credit: DaySpring)

SHOP THIS! Rise & Pray Coffee Mug (Photo Credit: DaySpring)


Kingdom Conversations